Evald Flisar
Evald Flisar
Evald Flisar
Evald Flisar
Evald Flisar
Evald Flisar

Mijn Vaders Dromen

Mijn Vaders Dromen

Mijn Vaders Dromen

30 esejev o Flisarjevi dramatiki

Mnenja domačih in tujih teoretikov o avtorjevi dramski poetiki in o posamičnih dramah. Eseji vsebujejo poglobljene analize 14 gledaliških del slovenskega dramatika, ki ga uprizarjajo poklicna gledališča na vseh celinah.

Opinions of Slovene and foreign theatre critics and drama theoreticians about the author's poetics bring detailed analyses of his 14 stage plays, produced not only in Slovenia but also by numerous professional theatre companies worldwide.

30 esejev o Flisarjevi prozi

Mnenja kritikov in literarnih teoretikov o posebnostih avtorjeve proze. Eseji vsebujejo poglobljene analize 15 proznih del (romanov, potopisov in kratkih zgodb) pisatelja, ki je preveden v 42 jezikov.

Slovenian critics and literary theoreticians analyse the novels, travelogues and short stories by the most widely translated Slovenian author, with 242 translations so far.

Branja v tujini (izbor)

Selection of readings abroad

Predstavitev nemškega prevoda romana Besede nad oblaki na dunajskem knjižnem sejmu, 2017

Introducing the German translation of Words Above the Clouds at the Vienna Book Fair, 2017
Podpisovanje romunskega prevoda romana Opazovalec v osrednji knjigarni v Bukarešti

Signing the Romanian translation of IF I ONLY HAD TIME at the Central Bookshop in Bucharest
Signing books at Warsaw Book Fair, May 2017 (what a queue!)
Introducing Three Loves, One Death at Waterstones, Piccadilly, London
Introducing the Indian edition of IF I ONLY HAD TIME (Opazovalec) in Bangalore, with Anita Nair
With the students of the National School of Drama, New Delhi, 2017
Kolkata Book Fair, 2017
Kerala Literature Festival, Kochikode, 2017, with Anita Nair
Talking to Eileen Battersby at Hodgis Figgis in Dublin.
Talking to Eileen Battersby in the oldest bookshop in Dublin
Introducing the German edition of The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Der Zauberlehrling) in Berlin, 2016
Introducing the German edition of The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Der Zauberlehrling) in Munich, 2016
Introducing the German edition of The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Der Zauberlehrling) in Graz, 2016
ZEE Literary Festival, 2016
Jaipur, India
European Literature Night, British Library, London, 2015
Congress Library, Washington, USA, 2015
Brno (na turneji po Češki, Slovaški in Poljski)

Brno (on a reading tour of Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic)
Čakajoč na tiskovko v osrednji knjigarni v Atenah

Waiting for a press conference in the central bookshop in Athens
Po premieri drame Kaj pa Leonardo? v Džakarti, Indonezija

At the opening night of What about Leonardo?, Jakarta, Indonesia
Z dvema Norama po arabski premieri Nore Nore, Hanager Theatre, Kairo, Egipt

With the two Noras after the Arabic premiere of Nora Nora, Hanager Theatre, Cairo, Egypt
Pred premiero drame Antigona zdaj, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, Indija

Before the premiere of Antigone Now, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, India
Z igralko Bindio Ghosh po premieri drame Šakuntala, Kolkata, Indija

With the actress Bindia Ghosh, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, India, after the premiere of Shakuntala
Z gledališko ekipo (Teater Koma) po premieri drame Kaj pa Leonardo? v Džakarti, Indonezija

With the theatre crew of Teater Koma after the premiere of What about Leonardo? in Jakarta, Indonesia
Z igralkami po premieri drame Kaj pa Leonardo?, Tokio, Japonska

With actresses after the premiere of What about Leonardo?, Tokyo, Japan
Po premieri drame Antigona zdaj, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, Indija

After the premiere of Antigone Now, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, India
Mednarodni literarni festival v Lahtiju na Finskem

International literary festival in Lahti, Finland
Bralna turneja po Mehiki, na vrtu pred narodmo univerzo v Mexico Cityju

Reading tour of Mexico, in front of the National University in Mexico City
Literarni večer, Literaturhaus, Muenchen, Nemčija

Literary evening at the Literaturhaus, Munich, Germany
Literature Live, mednarodni literarni festival v Mumbaju, Indija

Literature Live, international literary festival in Mumbai, India
Na predstavitvi antologije kratke proze v hindiju, New Delhi, Indija

Presentation of the antology of short stories in hindi, New Delhi, India
PEN klub v Stockholmu (na turneji po Danski, Švedski, Norveški in Finski)

PEN Club in Stockholm (on a tour of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland)
Pred premiero drame Kaj pa Leonardo? v Mestnem gledališču v Reykjaviku, Islandija

Before the premiere of What about Leonardo?, City Theatre, Reykjavik, Iceland
Po kitajski premieri drame Enajsti planet, Red House Theatre, Tajpej, Tajvan

In front of the Red House Theatre in Taipei, Taiwan, after the premiere of The Eleventh Planet
Na turneji po Italiji, PEN Center v Bariju

Reading tur of Italy, PEN Centre in Bari
Tiskovna konferenca pred kitajsko premiero drame Enajsti planet v Tajpeju na Tajvanu

Press conference before the premiere of the Chinese production of The Eleventh Planet, Taipei, Taiwan
Predavanje, branje in pogovor v osrednji knjigarni v Tajpeju, Tajvan

Lecture, reading and Q&A at the central bookshop in Taipei, Taiwan
Vaje pred premiero japonske produkcije drame Kaj pa Leonardo?, Tokio, Japonska

Final rehearsal before the premiere of What about Leonardo?, Tokio, Japan
Na literarni turneji po Avstraliji, zabavanje šolarčkov (Trinity School, Sydney)

Reading tour of Australia, entertaining kids at Trinity School, Sydney
Podpisovanje knjig v prostorih založbe Dar-El-Kalema v Kairu, 2010

Book signing at Dar-El-Kalema Publishers in Cairo, Egypt, 2010
Branje v aleksandrijski knjižnici, Aleksandrija, Egipt

Reading at the Alexandria Library, Egypt
Predstavitev knjige Cena nebes v Katmanduju, 2008

Launch of The Price of Heaven in Kathmandu, 2008
Podpisovanje knjig v knjigarni Eslite v Taipeju na Tajvanu, 2012

Book signing at the Eslite Bookshop in Taipei, Taiwan, 2012
Po premieri drame Kaj pa Leonardo?, Teater Koma, Džakarta, 2008

Following the premiere of What about Leonardo?, Teater Koma, Jakarta, 2008
Turneja po Avstraliji, 2001

Reading tour of Australia, 2001

>My Father's Dreams

>My Father's Dreams

>My Father's Dreams

My Father's Dreams

Apart from craftily capturing a child's thoughts (another writer who does it comparably well is Orhan Pamuk), Flisar is a formidable stylist too. A stylist whose elegant, precise sentences grant special meaning to anything they touch. »Give me a shopping list and I'll set it to music,« said Rossini who, with legendary ease, composed 39 operas. If we lived at a time that allowed artists comparably beautiful arrogance, Flisar could very well brag to possess a similar ability.
A. H. Kono, European Review of Poetry, Books and Culture

Selected by The Irish Times as one of 30 best books published in 2015.

On the Gold Coast

On the Gold Coast

On the Gold Coast

On the Gold Coast

Nominated for The IMPAC International Literary Prize and chosen by The Irish Times as one of the 13 best books about Africa written by Europeans (along the works by Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene, Isak Dinesen, JG Ballard, Bruce Chatwin etc.)
